Meet Team Astra

Welcome to our dynamic and diverse team, where each member brings a unique set of skills, perspectives, and values that collectively drive our success. At the heart of our company, we believe in the power of collaboration and the synergy of different talents working towards a common goal. Our team comprises individuals with expertise in various fields, from innovative product development and strategic marketing to operational excellence and customer relations. Together, we create a well-rounded, agile, and forward-thinking organization capable of tackling any challenge and seizing every opportunity. Having a combined experience of over 8 decades of combined experience, let’s introduce you to the talented professionals who make our company thrive.

Managing Director

Trevor Singh. Jnr


Company Secretary (Director)

Jerine Singh


Operations Director

Trevor Singh


Designs Manager

Bevan Antonio


Document Manager

Ingrid Hansel


Phone Repairs Manager

Damion Rose


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